Our homes. It’s where we feel grounded, where we feel centered and able to let loose and be 100% authentic. We recuperate, bask in quiet time, and as the famous saying goes – home is where the heart is. Most importantly – there are no expectations to be perfect.
My favorite images of my own family are centered in our home. Of course, I have created beautiful images that I love outside of our home as well – but the ones in our home have this tangible feeling of authenticity, of warmth and memory. I can imagine that in many years to come, I will be able to pull out a photograph taken in our living room or outside on the patio and I’ll be transported back to that moment because of the distinct familiarity.
I have been feeling this incredibly draw to make familiar and tangible memories for both my family and for my clients, and what better way to do this than to offer in-home lifestyle and documentary sessions. The basic premise of both is that there are zero expectations. Your life is perfect just the way it is and I want to capture that for you.
Tanner and Angela welcomed their sweet baby girl and I was honored that they asked me to capture her sweet little personality during the first few weeks that she was home. She is certainly a precious baby with the most adorable fashion sense. Congratulations you two – I can’t wait to watch her grow up!
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